Singing Guide: Imagination Movers

Singing Guide: Imagination Movers

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're familiar with the Imagination Movers, it won't come as a surprise that their music is geared toward children. That's not to say that adults can't appreciate their catchy tunes and fun lyrics. These four guys from New Orleans share a love of imaginative play and creativity, which shines through in both their music and TV shows.

To learn how to sing like an Imagination Mover, you'll need to harness your inner child and let your imagination run wild. One of the key elements of their music is the enthusiasm and energy they bring to every performance. So, channel your inner Mover and get ready to have some fun!

When it comes to vocal technique, the Imagination Movers have a playful, conversational style. They sing in unison a lot, which makes their songs easy to learn and sing along with. They also use a lot of call and response, where one singer will lead a line and the others will echo it back.

To really capture their style, try practicing with a friend or recording yourself and playing it back to see how it sounds.

In terms of specific songs to learn, you might start with "Jump Up" or "Brainstorming." Both of these songs feature the Movers' signature call and response style, as well as high-energy choruses that are sure to get you singing and dancing along.

As you work on your singing, be sure to check out Singing Carrots' Pitch Training course. This interactive program offers vocal warm-ups, pitch visualizers, and exercises designed to improve your singing range and agility. You can also take Singing Carrots' Vocal Range Test to discover your vocal range and compare it to those of famous singers.

In addition to these resources, make sure you're taking care of your vocal health. Singing Carrots' blog offers tips on vocal health, including breathing basics, breath support, and avoiding constrictions.

So, there you have it - the Imagination Movers' unique vocal style, some specific songs to learn, and resources to help you on your singing journey. Now go channel your inner Mover and have some fun!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.